TVMA represents and protects your interests in the state legislature and with other governmental bodies. Supported by professional personnel in the legislative and regulatory areas, TVMA is active in shaping and responding to issues and regulations that reinforce or limit the veterinary practice. We keep you up-to-date on the issues through the monthly e-newsletter, TVMA Tidbits, through our website and Legislative Alerts. The TVMA also keeps you informed on the latest regulatory compliance issues.
Provides Resources to Benefit You and Your Practice
Offers a Networking Opportunity Through Facebook
TVMA has created a members-only group on Facebook, Tennessee Veterinary Medical Association Members Group, for members to have the opportunity to learn more about your fellow colleagues who are members as well as be more informed of events occurring with the TVMA. Members may discuss ideas and cases as well as new treatments and therapies that you may be using that have been successful.
Keeps You Up-to-Date on Veterinary News and Provides a Connection to Your Colleagues
Some of the tools that we use to keep you updated are TVMA Tidbits, our monthly e-newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and “breaking news” emails and faxes. TVMA Tidbits provides information on legislation, upcoming continuing education programs, regulatory matters, industry trends, economic issues, classifieds and much more. The TVMA website at features the latest veterinary information and a “members-only” section. A directory of members is available on the website.
Offers Complaint Resolution through Peer Review
TVMA’s Peer Review program is designed to educate, settle problems, clarify and make corrections where necessary. Voluntary for all parties, it is an expert and credible system for resolving disagreements appropriately and fairly.
Represents You at the American Veterinary Medical Association
TVMA is your voice at AVMA and monitors issues considered by AVMA which will affect you and your practice.
TMGvets Payment Processing Solutions
As your professional association, TVMA strives to find new ways to save you time and money and to improve your practice bottom line. One of the biggest “pain points” TMGvets hears about is credit card processing fees. The ability to process debit or credit cards is a must for your practice operations—but understanding all the fees, details, and charges can be time consuming and frustrating. We at TMGvets know you would much rather be focused on the health and care of your patients and the financial wellbeing of your practice.
That’s why TVMA did its homework to find the most competitive rates and five-star customer service to make taking payments easier and more cost effective. We are pleased to introduce you to our newest affinity partner, TMGvets! Click Here for more information.
Offers Continuing Education at a Discount
TVMA’s Music City Veterinary Conference (MCVC) focuses on the topics needed to ensure that you and your staff stay on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine. MCVC provides 20 hours of continuing education with tracks on small animal, large animal, equine, practice management, exotics, avian, technician, and complementary medicine—all of this at a discount for members!
Offers Education Through Webinars
TVMA provides complimentary webinars on subjects of benefit to you personally and for your practice. Subjects have included information on the new healthcare changes for practice owners and for employees and on regulatory changes such as requirements regarding controlled substances. The webinars are recorded and available along with the program notes on the members-only section of the website section.
Answers Your Questions
Stumped by a question and can’t find the resource to answer it? The TVMA staff is available to help you. If we can’t answer your question, we will refer you to the appropriate person/office or we will do the research and call you back with an answer.
Promotes Veterinary Medicine through Public Relations
With the assistance of a public relations firm, TVMA promotes veterinary medicine to the public by building relationships with the news media, providing articles for publication in news outlets, and maintaining a presence on social media. TVMA sponsors the veterinary proficiency award through the Tennessee FFA and is a sponsor for the 4-H Foundation. Every year, we sponsor the Veterinary Day on the Hill where TVMA members gather to meet and build relationships with our state legislators. We participate in Ag Day on the Hill and exhibit at veterinary-related gatherings such as the Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.
Opioid Abuse/Diversion Signage
By law, information about reporting suspected opioid abuse/diversion is to be provided to employees either in writing individually or by posting a sign. As a TVMA member you may purchase a set of posters that meets the legal requirement. The cost for the set is $15, which includes shipping. Each poster is detailed below.
Visit the Online Store to Purchase
HazComReady is a veterinary workplace safety and compliance management platform providing an employee training management system, a safety data sheet database, license and accreditation tracking, incident reporting, policies and procedures, and more. Our platform helps ensure organizational policies stay up-to-date, employee training is current, and the OSHA 300 log is ready to be posted every year. We work with all sizes of veterinary practices, and the platform is easily customized to meet both state and federal regulations. We want to help you maintain compliance so you can focus on your operations!
TVMA members receive a 15% discount! Click Here to learn more!
Provides Wellness Assistance
Member Assistance Program (MAP)-My Group
As an added benefit to your membership, TVMA now provides a valuable benefit to all employees and their immediate family members known as the Member Assistance Program (MAP). We have partnered with McLaughlin Young Group, an independent provider of MAP/EAP services. There is no enrollment required and you are now eligible to use the MAP through McLaughlin Young, effective immediately.
The MAP offers help for personal and/or professional concerns by providing free, confidential, short-term counseling and personal consultation. Additionally, the MAP provides work-life resources for such issues as legal and financial consultations, online learning and resources.
The MAP has a network of counselors that are conveniently located. They can help you improve or resolve personal difficulties whether big or small, personal or work-related.
The TVMA has formed a partnership with to deliver their Live and Anytime continuing education courses to all of our members at a discounted price. provides many hours of both medical and non-medical CE that will be very beneficial to our members. We’re happy to have them as a part of the TVMA team and thrilled to be able to provide their courses to members at a significant discount. If you haven’t completed the mandatory 2 hours of CE on regulatory issues, controlled substances or professional ethics’s Opioid 411 course will fulfill that requirement. Learn More
Builds and Maintains Alliances with Veterinary Colleges and Related Groups
TVMA has formed alliances with the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine (UTCVM), Tennessee Farm Bureau, UTCVM Student Chapter of American Veterinary Medical Association (SCAVMA), Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine (LMU), LMU SCAVMA, and the Tennessee Veterinary Technicians Association (TVTA) to promote veterinary medicine. We work directly with the colleges and the SCAVMA Chapters to provide services and support to the students. TVMA works with the technicians and supports the addition of veterinary technician programs in the state.
TVMA Staff
Heather Vaughn
Executive Director
Staci Corder
Assistant Executive Director
Director of Communications
Darlene Clendenon
Office Manager/Membership/Peer Review
Adele Reed
Director of Meetings & Events
Tana Mincher