Communication Strategies
Effectively communicating with clients, as well as the practice’s health care team, is invaluable to your patients’ care. The information below is intended to help you feel more comfortable and confident in talking with your clients about some difficult topics, such as euthanasia, money, etc.
Financial Planning
Entering a new profession is challenging – and exciting – enough on its own. On top of this, veterinary graduates are faced with managing their debt load and planning for financial security in the future. This section addresses these issues.
Job Search
Most recent graduates will enter private practice. But regardless of your professional track, you will need to seek employment. Below is an A to Z guide that will help you get started with that search or assist you with moving along throughout your career.
Connections & Networking
Here are some resources to assist you with making connections and networking:
Transitioning to the Practice
Making the transition to clinical practice encompasses more than applying your veterinary knowledge and experience to the “real world.” This section provides you with information on a host of topics that you might need to know.