6 Reasons Why Your Pet Should See the Vet Every Year

19 Jul 6 Reasons Why Your Pet Should See the Vet Every Year

It’s no secret that this has been a strange year. Changed routines, working from home, curbside services, rescheduled or cancelled family vacations. One thing that should not change is your pet’s annual check-up. Back in 2016, we listed reasons your dog should see the vet each year – and even in a time of changed plans and routines, every pet should have their regular annual exam. Reasons why have not changed:

  • Annual vaccination boosters;
  • Annual parasite checks, including bloodwork to ensure your pet is heartworm negative; fecal to check for intestinal parasites; and renewal of medication to keep he or she heartworm, flea, tick, and intestinal parasite free. It is much cheaper to prevent heartworms and intestinal parasites than it is to treat an animal that becomes infected!
  • Examination of eyes, ears and skin for infections or abnormalities. Some conditions can be passed from animals to humans (and vice versa).
  • Dental exams for dogs, especially small-breed dogs! Early detection and treatment of dental disease is as important for dogs as it is for humans. Just as humans can have plaque build-up, chipped or broken teeth, and even abscesses, so can dogs.
  • General evaluation of body condition and locomotion – Is your pet a healthy weight? Can he or she move freely and comfortably, or is it time to prescribe medication to help his creaky joints?
  • Evaluation of heart, lungs, abdomen and lymph nodes.

Your veterinarian is trained to detect minor problems before they become major health concerns. Veterinarians not only prescribe medications, but can also design appropriate feeding and exercise programs for pets with specific problems. Additionally, in the event of an emergency, it is beneficial to have an established relationship with a veterinarian who knows your pet and his history.

If you need help finding a veterinarian near you, use our Find A Vet resource!
